#MondayBlogs Suzie81Speaks

This weeks featured blog on Monday blogs (if my blog scheduling worked) is Suzie81 Speaks. Suzie is not the 81st Suzie. I believe the 81 refers to her year of birth. Lots of blogs have agendas. Some aim to educate, entertain, or promote a cause. Suzie’s blog does not of that.


Considering that Suzie has no agenda to promote or consistent theme it is amazing that she has accumulated several thousand followers in a little over a year. Maybe it’s the personal touch. I think Suzie responds to virtually every comment on her blog. Considering the fact that she is employed full-time as a school teacher I don’t know how she finds the time.

Reading Suzie’s blog is like having a conversation with a friend. Sometimes it’s opinions on social issues, sometimes she’s responding to other bloggers posts, sometimes it’s an update on her life with The Bloke, and other times she’s showing off some great photos she’s taken.

If you’ve got a few minutes to sit down for a spot of tea and a chat go visit Suzie 81 Speaks.

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