A New Book by Author Hugh Howey: The Shell Collector


This isn’t a review. The book just came out Sunday and I definitely don’t read that fast. I’m essentially providing free advertising for Hugh for two reasons. One, because several years ago he started out like me; just a guy publishing his own books and hoping for the best. About three years ago one of his books, Wool, kind of caught fire by internet word of mouth. About two years ago he signed a seven figure contract with Simon & Schuster. About a year and a half ago The Phil Factor had just moved to WordPress and had a small number of followers. The second reason he gets free advertising is because, in spite of my small following at the time, Hugh Howey agreed to let me interview him for my blog.


The Shell Collector synopsis: The ocean is dying. The sea is growing warmer and is gradually rising. Seashells have become so rare that collecting them is now a national obsession. Flawless specimens sell like priceless works of art. Families hunt the tideline in the dark of night with flashlights. Crowds gather on beaches at the lowest of tides, hoping to get lucky.

Supreme among these collectors is Ness Wilde, CEO of Ocean Oil. Ness owns many of the best beaches, and he keeps them to himself. It’s his fault the world turned out this way. And I aim to destroy him.

My name is Maya Walsh. You might be familiar with my shelling column in the Times. I was working on a series of pieces about Mr. Wilde, when out of the blue, he called. He says he wants to talk. But I don’t think he’s going to like what I have to say.

Despite only having come out on Sunday The Shell Collector already has 60 great reviews. Hugh has now built up an impressive catalog of sci-fi, dystopian and fantasy novels. You can find them all on Amazon and on his website.

Come back tomorrow for a very special guest interview about The Interview. Have a great Friday! ~Phil

5 responses to “A New Book by Author Hugh Howey: The Shell Collector

  1. Interesting, Phil. I look forward to the guest interview.

  2. Oh, I see, I misread your post. Sorry!

  3. How nice of you
    To plug Hugh
    I’m sure soon we’ll see
    The review
    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s interview

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