A POLL! Just answer one question…


To cast or not to cast, that is the question! An author, Robert Chazz Chute, whom I interviewed once is a huge fan of podcasts as a medium to promote oneself as an author. Yesterday I came across the Marc Maron Show on Netflix and it’s based on a comedian and his podcast. (if you’re interested, check out his show. It’s odd and quirky but funny.) Clearly, podcasts are a “thing.” But is it a thing I should do? Or, should I do a Vlog? A video blog? Would my blog be more appealing if my Saturday Phil Factor was me ranting in front of the camera?  I’m looking for opinions. Please take the poll and if you have a few seconds offer your opinions in the comments about why you voted how you did.

Thanks for your opinions everybody! Have a great Sunday! ~Phil

4 responses to “A POLL! Just answer one question…

  1. Please give us the option of reading it. I LIKE subtitles on films. I PREFER to read transcripts of videos.
    I wouldn’t watch a vlog if one of my own children made it.

  2. I’ve toyed with the idea of turning my weekly playlist review into a vlog…Ive decided to work up to it and if I ever hit 1000 followers then that’s my point of decision.

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