Wordless Wednesdays!

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Wordless Wednesdays are back! Let’s be honest. I live in the northeast. Who wants to go out snapping pictures in the bleak, cold of winter? Each year my city hosts a mural festival. The picture above,titled Detecting Machine, was painted by the artists Nevercrew, which is Christian Rebecchi and Pablo Togni.

Have a great Wednesday! ~Phil

5 responses to “Wordless Wednesdays!

  1. That is so cool! I’m really glad that ‘wordless Wednesdays’ are back. Looking forward to seeing next week’s post.

  2. Super Mural.

  3. Awesome photo of a fantastic mural, Phil! 🙂 I store up photos for blogs in the future. I was so excited one year after I started blogging to find out about “drafts” and pre-scheduled posts. Lol!! A whole year to learn this, Phil. Slow learner blogger, here.

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