Vote For Your Favorite!

In the United States we will be electing a new President in about 5 weeks, so I thought I’d help everyone practice their voting skills with a poll to vote on at the end of the post. This is my quarterly “Fun with Search Terms” post where I highlight some of the more unusual search terms that have brought people to #ThePhilFactor over the last three months.


download funny images of life why so stressI’d find life very stressful if my language skills were as basic as this person.

I think I’m a little allgic to nuts: Apparently this persons tongue and fingers were swollen from their allgic reaction to the point that he/she couldn’t type. That’s very allgic. For future reference, if you do have an allgic reaction please call an ambulance before coming to The Phil Factor.


Person shit on carpet cartoon: How proud am I that Google has decided that my blog is the answer to this search?

I should have jokes: That’s a great idea. Maybe I should get some jokes for my blog. Was Google telling someone to find jokes on The Phil Factor, or was it making a suggestion for me?


A cartoon dog saying whatever: A cartoon dog? Which one? Snoopy, Brian, Underdog, Scooby Doo, Goofy, Hong Kong Phooey, Clifford, Lady, the Tramp? Someone needs to narrow their search. Who’s your favorite cartoon dog?

Kardashian predictions: As embarrassing as this might be, I am in fact the world’s most accurate Kardashian psychic.

Lying about where you are: You know the joke in movies and TV shows where someone says, “If I die, delete my browser history!” Yeah, that’s because they were at #ThePhilFactor.

What is Michael Phelps job: Whatever it is, at least it keeps him busy enough that he’s not out vandalizing mini-mart bathrooms like teammate Ryan Lochte.


Real sexting conversations to read in Hindi: This was by far the most frequently searched term that brings people to my blog. Literally about 50 times a day. Some are born to greatness while others have it thrust upon them, (pun maybe intended)

Have a great weekend! ~Phil

13 responses to “Vote For Your Favorite!

  1. Phil, have you seen this video “If Google was a guy”? There are also four more parts that follow it and they are all worth watching. .

  2. Can you imagine learning Hindi and then jumping on sexting conversations.LOL

  3. Waha! Very funny post Phil. 😉

  4. Hilarious, Phil!

  5. I feel a bit allegorical, is there an epi pen for that?

  6. This is really something. Words escape me.

  7. These are awesome…so random. I’ll need to check mine too 🙂

  8. Phil I just can’t understand,
    Why you’re still the horniest in the land!

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