Wordless Wednesdays: The Golden Boys

Yes, I am one of those three and the other two are my two best friends in the world. This is one of my favorite old pictures of us. Those two are who two of the characters in my books are based on. Have a great Wednesday! ~Phil

8 responses to “Wordless Wednesdays: The Golden Boys

  1. Ah, nostalgia. It’s so cool when friends stay friends all their lives. I don’t have any childhood friends that I’ve kept in touch with. But as per your suggestion I’m hunting down Linda K from kindergarten fro give her a pop in the nose! 😀 PS- you guys are so cute!

  2. Was this an early “Free the Nipple” advert? 😉

  3. You are all three gorgeous hunks! (Are, not were, please note.)

  4. That’s a fun picture which obviously holds a lot of memories for you.

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