Top Ten Blogging Pet Peeves

10 responses to “Top Ten Blogging Pet Peeves

  1. As a few of the original commenters said, a flurry of successive ‘likes’ within a 2 minute period is my biggest annoyance. You know they can’t have read it and just want to make you ‘see’ them and pop along to their site. Although I have a new one from a few days ago that has happened once or twice: People who follow you (and have previously interacted with you) but now seem to have forgotten who you are and comment again as if it’s the first time you’ve met. Am I that forgettable?! (Maybe don’t answer that…)

  2. Yes, yes, and more yes to all these things unless I’m guilty of any of them. In that case, whatever, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  3. I don’t like long blog posts either! I try to keep mine under 500-600 words if at all possible. I like photos and videos too.

  4. I could have written this Phil. I agree with all 10 of your points. I would add people who put two spaces between sentences, don’t check grammar (grammarly is free), and don’t use an Oxford comma. If the layout is goofy with grammatical errors it distracts me from the content so much I miss the whole package.

  5. Funny because it’s all true.

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