Control My Fate With A Vote

So here is my quandary: I have a credit card where I accumulate fictional airline miles that if they add up enough, I can use to purchase flights. A few months ago I had enough miles and purchased a flight. Now it looks like I’ll have to cancel that flight. In the airlines loyalty club rules it says that if I cancel my flight I either don’t get my miles back, or if I want my miles back I have to pay them $150. Mind you, if I cancel now, they have weeks to re-sell that seat and its on a flight to a very popular city, so there’s no absolutely no chance it would go unsold. I want my miles back but I don’t believe that I should have to pay them for them. If I pay them and they also re-book the seat, they essentially get paid twice for the same seat. I see that as a very greedy and non passenger friendly policy. If I just don’t show up for the flight, they may have an unused seat on the flight that they don’t get anything for.  I’d like my miles because I will soon need to book another flight and the $150 is less than the cost of paying just cash for the flight. So what do I do? The poll results will control my fate:

Have a great Sunday and thanks for your feedback! ~Phil

8 responses to “Control My Fate With A Vote

  1. Can you transfer the miles to the new flight?

  2. Get your new Japanese fans to launch a boycott against the airline.

  3. Write a parody song a la Weird Al Yankovich with a novelty video. Stick it on YouTube. Share it like crazy. Need some ads on there for revenue too.

    For example, to the beats of Bryan Adams’ “Please Forgive Me”:

    “Please refund me, I’ll take a cheaper flight.
    Please refund me, your policy is sh**e”

  4. I voted 4, I hope that helps
    I’d write a scathing review on Yelp.

  5. Don’t cancel the flight, because fuck ’em. But also write a scathing post and tweet and all the other things about them so we can share and the collective outrage (it’s United, isn’t it) will force them to ignore you utterly and light their douchey cigars with your miles refund your miles.

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