Wordless Wednesday! Super Blue Blood Moon

Picture courtesy of ndtv.com

At 6:48 a.m. the United States will see a Blue Moon, a total lunar eclipse and a supermoon coincide to create a rare lunar event that hasn’t been seen in North America in more than 150 years. This is a picture taken last night. Have a great Wednesday! ~Phil

6 responses to “Wordless Wednesday! Super Blue Blood Moon

  1. Sadly we are under very overcast skies and the snow has started falling again. No full super blood moon sightings for us 😕

  2. Saw the eclipse and then the clouds moved in so I didn’t see the waining part.

  3. I went to the beach for the moonrise here in Oz but it was so grey and cloudy, then began to rain : (
    Perhaps a cosmic statement on the state of the world??

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