My Blog is a Teenager!

Yes, “blogiversary” is a word. It’s a word because I’m celebrating the birth of The Phil Factor on April 5th, 2005. And because I’m the only blogger here who has been around for 13 years I’m going to take credit for inventing the word Blogiversary. Also, you know how WordPress says 30% of the Internet is powered by WordPress? I think 9% of that is my 1800 posts.

Since my blog is a teenager, I guess I’ll have to have the sex talk with it soon. Here are 10 ways the world was different when I started my blog:

10. The U.S. President was George W. Bush

9. The Pope was John Paul II

8. The iPhone didn’t exist yet

7. Youtube was invented in 2005. Between the two, I think my blog has been a bigger success, don’t you?

6. The world hadn’t heard of Taylor Swift yet. In 2005 I was the more popular Taylor!

5. About 5 months after my blog premiered, the TV show How I Met Your Mother premiered and Barney said, “This is so going into my blog!” I was so proud at that moment.

4. In 2005 I was in another career, hadn’t published a book, and had no gray hair yet. In 2013 I published 50 Shades of Phil: It’s Not Mommy Porn, It’s Daddy Scorn, the top 50 posts from the first eight years of The Phil Factor.

3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie came out.

2. In 2005 you couldn’t tweet yet because Twitter didn’t exist.

1. In 2005 Facebook existed, but who here was on it?

Since 2005 I’ve never won a Annual Bloggers Bash Award and voting begins tomorrow, for my blogiversary, would you keep me in mind when voting in the Funniest Blog category?

And, last but not least, in 2005 I hadn’t met any of you. Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog over the last 13 years. Since blogging is all about the interaction between bloggers, if you’ve read this far and want a free Kindle copy of any of my books, just let me know in the comments!

Have a great Thursday! ~Phil

44 responses to “My Blog is a Teenager!

  1. Happy Blogiversary !15 years! WOW!!!
    And would you reciprocate the votes… if I’m up too? Obvs not in the same category as you 😉

  2. Shameless publicity…. typical self absorbed teen..

  3. Wow! Congratulations 😀

  4. Applesauce! That’s amazing, Phil. Congratulations!

  5. “Congratulations” seems like such a minor word compared to the achievement. Well done, Phil!! Celebratory champagne for everyone!

    btw – I used to think George W was a moron. Now the current incumbent makes him look like a rocket scientist.

  6. What a disciplined achievement, that’s amazing. I wonder how many bloggers there were when you started, and how many more millions there are now? That would be a good stat to find out (hint hint). I hope you take yourself out for dinner : ) Cheers G

    • Thank you! I think there were 6 other bloggers when I started. My stats weren’t very impressive back then. Just kidding. There were quite a few but I don’t know if anyone was keeping track.

  7. Congratufuckinglations. Look. I can make up words too.

  8. That’s awesome! Congratulations, Phil!

  9. Bloody Hell 13 years?? Does it get any easier to keep up with?! Congrats!! Love the list 🙂

  10. Wow! Congratulations! 🙂

  11. Congratulations! Happy Blogiversary!

  12. Congratulations, Phil. Sure I’ll vote for you.

  13. Wow. That’s long. I’m impressed lol!

  14. Wow! Happy blogiversary! Hope those teen years of blogging are less hormonal, irrational, and moody than their scary human teenage counterparts. 😜

  15. Losing the Plot

    Holy Fek by comparison, my blog is still rolling on its tummy and pooping it’s diaper (see I can talk American)
    Congratulations on making it to 13!

  16. The Not Fake DC

    13 years, wow. Good for you, you’re ahead of the curve.

  17. Way to go trailblazer.

  18. Happy Blogiversary (hope you don’t mind me using that word since you invented it and all).

  19. Congratulations, Phil–lucky 13! Seems like that should be almost middle-aged (or older) for keeping a successful blog going. Best of luck with the voting this year!

  20. Hey. CONGRATULATIONS. I’m new to blogging x

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