Facebook’s Web of Evil

Across the centuries there have been men who have perpetrated unspeakable acts of evil upon their fellow man. Genghis Khan, Adolph Hitler, James Jones, and the creators of American Idol, to name a few. Since the turn of the century, however, one name has stood alone atop the modern pantheon of evil. That man? Mark Zuckerberg.

The Economy: Apparently a long time ago, like in the 1950’s or something, someone wrote in the bible, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”  The nerdy Zuckerberg started Facebook so he could talk to chicks and now he’s got millions, maybe even billions of dollars to show for his efforts. Talk about the power of horny! Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that our nations entire economy went in the tank right about the time Facebook took off. Hmmm….let’s see…about three years ago all the automakers and banks went out of business, the stockmarket went into a freefall and 50% of all homes were foreclosed upon. Coincidence? I think not! How many of you reading this, raise your hands,  even once checked your Facebook from a phone or computer in the last three years? Hmmm…one, two, three, four…stop it! Put your hands down you idiots. I can’t see you through my computer. I’m not even here. I wrote this yesterday. But you get my point, since the onset of Facebook we’ve all wasted valuable, productive work time Facebooking and as a group all those minutes of lost productivity added up enough to destroy the economy. But wait…who got rich? That’s right, Mark Zuckerberg. You know who doesn’t waste work time on Facebook? The Amish, and they built me one hell of a shed. 

Our self-esteem: An endeavor that was born of low self-esteem has become the bane of everyone’s insecurities. Do I have enough friends to look cool? Why does so and so have so many more friends than me? Why can’t I get enough cows in Farmville? Why don’t I know what Farmville is? (Guess who plays Farmville for real? The Amish!)  Why didn’t my status get more likes or comments? I see the “People you may know” section and I think well if they didn’t “friend” me I’m not going to “friend” them. Yeah, that’s right, for every little face staring at you when you’re thinking, “I barely talked to them in high school, I’m not going to “friend” them, that person is on the other side of the interweb looking at your little picture thinking the same thing. But guess who has lots of friends now that he has millions of dollars? That’s right, it’s evil incarnate, Mark Zuckerberg. 

That’s right Mark Zuckerberg you smug little bastard, just sit up there in your ivory tower sipping mojitos with Bill Gates and counting your money. Blood money that you made off of the laziness and insecurities of every American. Well I won’t stand for it. Ok, well I will stand for it until I get enough Amazon Kindle subscribers to The Phil Factor that I don’t need your evil little web of insecurity and apathy and I’ll start my own competing social network and when your little fantasy world comes crashing down around you, you’ll know who’s to blame! (insert maniacal laughter here) Remember the name Phil Mr. Zuckerberg. Remember it well.

 Hmmm…Philbook…I like the sound of that. And for just a small fee you can all join me  : )

If you enjoy my nonsense and don’t want to wait for the launch of Philbook you can follow me on Twitter @ThePhilFactor and subscribe to The Phil Factor on your Amazon Kindle, just like Mark Zuckerberg does.




6 responses to “Facebook’s Web of Evil

  1. Ha ha, I don't have Facebook. I have a life. Well actually I don't, I have a blog. I need a life.

  2. Philbook sounds dirty. I like it.

  3. Hmmm….Libby, I like how you think!

  4. You rock! I'm down for Philbook too!

  5. I raised my hand. *hangs head in shame*

  6. Hello Vapid Vixen! Welcome to The Phil Factor!

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