Jimmy Buffett and The Estes Method

During paranormal month last year the incredible Jimmy Buffett passed away and all of us fans were sad that he his brilliant talent were gone. Then I began thinking about Jimmy Buffett and  The Estes Method. At first glance, these two things have nothing to do with each other, or do they

Jimmy Buffett was a popular musician who filled the heads of millions and millions of boomers with his music celebrating the virtues of hanging out at the beach drinking margaritas. He is probably completely responsible for retirement communities like The Villages in Florida. I’m not looking to move to The Villages, but I enjoy his music, and I’m all in on his living at the beach fantasy.

The Estes Method: If you’re not familiar, it’s a technique created by paranormal investigators Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall and Michelle Tate. They created the technique aiming to more accurately capture communication from spirits. Previously paranormal investigators used “spirit boxes” to listen to what they hoped would be cogent auditory messages from the other side.

The “spirit box” is basically a radio that scans rapidly through A.M. and F.M. frequencies.

Paranormal investigators believe that otherworldly entities have the ability to manipulate and communicate through these radio signals. For the last two decades we’ve seen paranormal investigators listen to these static making machines and occasionally shout with joy when they hear what might be a word if you listen really hard. I’ve never been impressed by that. It could be any random word from a D.J. in Spokane bouncing off a satellite and accidentally reaching a random spirit box in Albuquerque.

What Conor, Karl, and Michelle did differently was to start having the person listening to the spirit box wear a blindfold and noise cancelling headphones to remove any outside noise or influence. Then they ask the “spirits” direct questions and hope to get relevant responses. In examples that you can see in Hellier and The Unbinding, they’ve had some surprising success.

So how does deceased musician Jimmy Buffett play into this? Some of you have already figured out where I’m going, maybe because you’re psychic, or just because you know how weird I am.

All of us who were fans of Jimmy Buffett music wish there were more Jimmy Buffett songs. Some tech heads are going to start making Jimmy Buffett knock off songs using A.I.  Not me! I’m going to collaborate on new songs with Jimmy using The Estes Method!

Here’s our first one:

Trudging through the snow, it’s miserable in Buffalo

I’m too tired to fight, I just need a flight

Three hours to paradise, I know fleeing life isn’t nice

But I just need sun and a rum drink with ice

That was all Jimmy. I heard it in the headphones. That’s all for now. Me and Jimmy will get back to work after we finish a game of beach volleyball and a couple margaritas! If you have an idea for a few more lines in the song, feel free to add them in the comments!

Have a great week! ~Phil (and Jimmy)

Time Keeps On Slippin’ Slippin’ Slippin’ Into The Future

Pic from HT Tech

Another paranormal topic, and one which doesn’t get a lot of publicity outside of the quantum physics crowd, is time slips and anomalies.

Time is an enigmatic force that has governed our existence and intrigued humanity for centuries. As we navigate the intricacies of the temporal dimension, tales of time slips and anomalies have permeated cultures worldwide. These captivating phenomena challenge our understanding of reality and ignite the imagination. Physicists and paranormal theorists are seeking to unravel the secrets that lie beyond the ticking of the clock.

Time slips refer to instances when individuals seemingly travel through time, experiencing periods of the past or future while remaining physically present in their current timeline. These episodes are described as briefly seeing a door opened to a scene in the past or future. Those that experience these incidents report feeling disoriented, leaving them questioning the nature of reality. Although skeptics dismiss these accounts as mere fabrications or psychological phenomena, the sheer volume of reported incidents across different cultures and historical periods raises intriguing questions.

The Great IKEA Time Slip: In 1969, a Swedish man named Håkan Nordkvist reported a time slip while on a road trip. He described driving through an old-fashioned landscape, complete with horse-drawn carriages and people dressed in clothing from the early 20th century. Nordkvist’s experience, like many others, raises questions about the nature of time and the possibility of accidental temporal displacement, or maybe he just got lost in a very realistic IKEA display. Haven’t we all done that?

While the concept of time slips seems fantastical, some theories within the realm of physics entertain the idea of temporal anomalies. Einstein’s theory of relativity posits that time is relative and can be influenced by factors such as gravity and velocity. Theoretical physicists explore the possibility of wormholes—hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could connect different points in time and space. While these theories remain speculative, they provide a scientific framework for understanding the potential existence of temporal anomalies.

Alien abduction is fun!

Click here to read my blog post of investigating Thompson Park in Watertown, New York, where I went in seeking to find an alleged time slip or wormhole present there.

Parallel Universes and Multiverse Theory: Another intriguing avenue of exploration involves the concept of parallel universes and the multiverse theory. (It’s not just a Marvel movie idea.)  According to this idea, multiple universes exist simultaneously, each with its own set of physical laws and timelines. Proponents of the multiverse theory suggest that time slips could be glimpses into alternate realities, where past, present, and future coexist in a complex tapestry of existence.

The Shrek Time Slip (2022)  In the summer of 2022, a group of friends visiting a historic Scottish castle reported a perplexing time slip experience.

As they explored the castle grounds, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a bustling medieval village. The air was filled with the sounds of blacksmiths at work, market vendors haggling, and the distant hum of activity. Astonishingly, the modern structures of the Scottish castle had transformed into their ancient counterparts. The group, bewildered yet intrigued, interacted with the medieval inhabitants before abruptly returning to the present. The incident left the friends questioning the nature of time and the thin veil that separates different epochs.

Beyond time slips, other time anomalies challenge our understanding of time. Instances of time dilation, where time appears to pass at different rates for different observers, have been observed in high-speed travel and near gravitational fields. These phenomena, predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity, highlight the fluid and dynamic nature of time.

Pic by Salvador Dali

As we navigate the river of time, the mysteries of time slips and anomalies beckon us to reconsider our perception of reality. Whether rooted in the fabric of scientific theory or nestled within the pages of historical accounts, these enigmatic phenomena invite us to ponder the limitless possibilities that lie beyond the ticking of the clock. As we continue to unravel the secrets of time, the journey into the unknown promises to be as captivating as the mysteries that await us in the ever-shifting currents of temporal existence.

Sorry, but I have to do this. If you like time travel fiction, look up my novel Time to Lie on Amazon, available in paperback and for Kindle.

Have a great Monday and thanks for reading! ~Phil

Do Not Trust All Psychics

Around Christmas each year I give my gift to the world, i.e. my annual psychic predictions blog post. If you are too busy to read that now, I’ll tell you a little about it.

Annually I publish psychic predictions focusing on celebrities, the Royals, and big picture stuff going on in the world. Some predictions are intentionally funny while others are serious prognostications. This year I did something different at the end of my predictions.

What I did, that I’ve never done before, was to invite people to comment and ask me questions that they want me to answer psychically. I was expecting questions like, “Which team will win the Super Bowl?” or “Will Russia use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war?” or “Will I win the lottery this year?”. I was completely flabbergasted at the responses I got. Not because there was a lot of them, but because of the nature of the questions.

When I think I’ve written a good blog post, which I always think about my psychic predictions, in addition to publishing it to WordPress, I will share it to Twitter and my author page on Facebook. Facebook gives you the option of paying money to “boost” your post so more people see it higher up in their feeds. For $3.00 I boosted my psychic predictions post for a day.

What surprised me was that a decent number of people messaged me through my Facebook author page asking me to answer very personal questions about themselves. Also, several of them sent me their full names with middle initials and dates of birth. Not only did they send me their information, some gave the same detailed information about other people in their lives that they had questions about.

If anyone reading this is considering speaking to a psychic on the phone, online, or in person, please do not volunteer that much detail and personal information until you have vetted the psychic. Check out their website and check out local Yelp reviews.

Also, here is a good article that can help you to determine between the good psychics and the scammers.

It is truly wonderful that so many people have so much trust in strangers on the internet, and I wish that all internet strangers were kind and honest. Sadly that is not the world we live in.

Yes, I believe that some people have psychic abilities, but there are also some bad people out there who are taking advantage of people’s hopes, dreams, and heartbreak. If you believe in the paranormal and psychic things, please be careful when you pursue answers and be wary of the people offering them.

I could answer peoples questions all day, but I think reminding people to be more careful with their personal information and money so they don’t get ripped off is the best thing I could tell anyone.

Have a great weekend! ~Phil

Do Tarot Cards Really Tell The Future? An Interview With An Expert!

In keeping with my paranormal theme this month, I thought it would be interesting to hear from a soothsayer. The popularity of tarot cards and tarot reading seems to have exploded over the last decade. More people are doing it and more are looking for skilled tarot readers to answer their questions and give them a glance into their future. Not understanding how a deck of cards with spooky pictures could give us information about our lives, I found an expert on Instagram who was willing to volunteer her wisdom and experience.

Andrea -Tarot reader extraordinaire

Hi Andrea, and thank you for visiting The Phil Factor. How did you first become attracted to reading tarot and oracle cards? Curiosity mostly.  Since childhood, I have been interested in esoteric or metaphysical subjects.  I was particularly interested in Witches since I have an ancestor who was burned in the Salem Trials.

Does a person have to be psychic to read cards? Anyone who wants to learn the basic meanings of the cards can do simple readings.  However, I believe it is very beneficial if you are a very empathetic person and understand human emotions/relationships.  That way you aren’t just reading the definition of each card to the querent (client.)  There can be a lot of nuances in the cards.  Like symbols and how each card interacts, not only with the other cards, but also with what the querent may have asked originally.

Should someone be worried if the Death card comes up in a reading?Death is like a transformation in your life or emotions.  Example meanings for the Death card could be:  a birth, a divorce, a new job, the beginning or ending of relationships.  Or even a catalyst in thinking.  It’s about change and a possible transition or regeneration. 

Picture Fine Art America

Does it really mean someone is going to die? I’ve flipped the Death card over many times and that has never been the  outcome.

Are predictions in a card reading absolutely going to come true? I don’t typically do ‘predictive’ or ‘yes/no’ readings.  Everyone has free will and can change the course of their day by one simple alteration.  Maybe they typically go to Starbuck’s on the corner, but that day, they decide to turn left instead of right and end up at Tim Horton’s.  In my opinion, absolute predictions need to be taken as fluid thoughts.  You continually have the ability to change how your life is directed.  ((free will)) And you can’t assume your will can change someone else’s. 

What advice do you have for someone going to their first reading? Be open and willing to hear what is being said without too many preconceived ideas or desires.  Take a pen/notepad and jot down your own thoughts on the cards.  Write down anything your reader says that captures your attention.  What may not make sense now, may come back to you later.  Or you may notice similar messages being repeated to you in different manners, by different people or situations.

As a final thought: I absolutely love reading tarot and oracle cards.  I do it almost daily.  It’s so interesting to see what thoughts the cards have on the questions that are asked and how pertinent they are to the person.  Reading tarot makes me realize how connected everything and everyone is to each other.  Everyone lives an interdependent life, and we all affect each other, just like the ripple a stone makes in a pond. 

Andrea, thank you for visiting The Phil Factor. Hopefully the cards will tell us that this interview will get lots of views in the future! If you’re interested in learning more about the tarot readings from Andrea you can follow her on Instagram as TarotWytch.

I hope it’s in the cards for you to have a great day! ~Phil

Paranormal Tools of The Trade: The Spirit Box

Pic from Gators and Ghosts

Admit it, you’ve watched the ghost hunting shows and thought how cool it was when they pull out some techno device and have a conversation with a ghost. After that, you’ve probably thought to yourself, “I wish I could get one of those!” The truth is, many of those cool tech ghost gadgets are available online and at prices that make them accessible to anyone. In this new series of blog posts, once a week I will highlight one of the ghost hunting tools you see on TV. This week it’s the Spirit Box.

In paranormal investigations, tools like the Spirit Box have sparked both fascination and skepticism. These devices, often used by ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts, purportedly allow communication with spirits through real-time audio feedback. While the Spirit Box has its fans who laud its usefulness, it also faces scrutiny for its limitations and the subjective nature of its findings.

At its core, the Spirit Box is a radio scanner, rapidly tuning through radio frequencies. Users believe that spirits can manipulate these frequencies to relay messages or responses to questions. Many paranormal investigators will connect their Spirit Box to a set of noise cancelling headphones and a blindfold to minimize any extraneous noise and distractions.

The allure lies in the possibility of direct communication with entities from beyond the grave. I believe that the Spirit Box can be useful, if the theory behind it is correct, but honestly, we have no definitive proof that ghosts can communicate through radio frequencies.

Connor Randall ,inventor of The Estes Method

One of the advantages of the Spirit Box is its real-time response feature. Unlike other paranormal investigation methods where they review film or listen to recordings, the Spirit Box offers immediate audible feedback, allowing investigators to engage with potential spirits.

While skeptics question the validity of the responses received, proponents argue that patterns and relevant responses can emerge over multiple sessions, providing a basis for further exploration. When used in conjunction with other investigative techniques, such as EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recordings and EMF (Electromagnetic Field) detectors, the Spirit Box can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of alleged paranormal activity.

However, the usefulness of the Spirit Box is not without its shortcomings and criticisms. One of the primary concerns is the potential for pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon where the brain perceives meaningful patterns or messages in random stimuli.

Adam Berry of TLC’s Kindred Spirits

Another criticism leveled against the Spirit Box is its susceptibility to environmental interference. Radio frequency contamination, electrical interference, and even nearby electronic devices can influence the output of the Spirit Box, leading to false positives or misleading responses. For all we know, the responses might be a random word from a DJ in Milwaukee that somehow got caught on the frequency your spirit box was at. In a field where credibility is paramount, such technical limitations can undermine belief in the reliability of evidence gathered through the device.

Paranormal investigator Amanda Paulson

In conclusion, the Spirit Box remains a potential tool in the arsenal of paranormal investigators. Alone it’s usefulness is limited, but with validation from other sources during an investigation it may be impactful. I think that the best endorsement for The Spirit Box, is that all the experts are using it. Click the link for a closer look at the device and where to get your own.

Keep it spooky and thanks for reading! ~Phil

Interview With A Pretty FN Spooky Psychic

Just in case you don’t understand the title, my blog guest today, Amanda Paulson, uses “PrettyFNSpooky” as her moniker on most social media.

Amanda Paulson has participated in multiple media projects with paranormal research in the Pacific Northwest, taught workshops on spirit communication and amassed hundreds of thousands of views making spiritual-related content for the company Tamed Wild. In 2022 Amanda created the first Dark History Tour Series for the Campbell House in association with the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture and is in her second term as City-at-Large Representative Historic Preservationist for the Spokane Historic Landmarks Commission. She has been featured in the YouTube series Ghost Files, profiled in popular publications Apartment Therapy and The Inlander, and her personal writing published in Haunted Magazine and The Feminine Macabre Vol.1. 

TPF: Hi Amanda and thanks for visiting The Phil Factor. You have a pretty long history of paranormal involvement. Why were you interested in the paranormal, and how did you get started?
Amanda: My experience began when I was 7 years old and living in a haunted duplex with my mom and grandma. I would watch my dolls and other bedroom knickknacks mysteriously move at night and have detailed nightmares about the house being “haunted”. When this activity followed me after we moved, I grew an interest in understanding the purpose of these experiences and finding irrefutable proof. I started investigating in 2008 when I joined the Billings Paranormal Investigative Society in Billings, Montana. They taught me everything I know now about equipment and how to conduct a private or residential cases. I eventually moved away and left the team but they are undoubtedly responsible for my growth and where I am today.
TPF: When I started following you and reading your social media, your Emotive Touchpoint theory immediately grabbed my attention. It rang true to me. Could you tell my readers about your Emotive Touchpoint theory?
Amanda: The Paranormal Emotive Touchpoint theorizes that there are soft spots throughout the world where the other side is closer or easier to contact. These soft spots, or touchpoint’s, present themselves to us by giving us what I call “odd emotions” like nostalgia, deja vu or liminality and do not require the location to be traditionally haunted. They are simply spots that are charged by emotion and still reverberate emotion, that give us a clearer means to communicate with any entity on the other side. Kind of like finding the right station on a walkie-talkie, or a better Wi-Fi  connection – I believe the key to it all is to pay attention to our living emotions.
TPF: For most people, when they hear paranormal, they think of seeing or communicating with ghosts. For you, what was your most definitive experience with “the other side”?
Amanda: I have some experiences that I’ve shared on my blog that felt rather definitive (like my time staying alone at the Lizzie Borden House) but today, I’d say my most definitive experiences with the other side are from the mediumship readings that I have been doing for others. I use a technique that allows me to enter a trance state and journey the living’s subconscious and in that space, I sometimes come across messages or visions from people who have passed away. Hearing stories from the strangers that I’m reading for afterward, that match exactly with the spirits I’d been communicating with for them, has provided me with better “proof” than I had ever gathered in my 15 years of ghost hunting.

TPF: You are starring in a documentary, Death Is With Me. What is that about?

Amanda: Death is With Me is a paranormal true crime documentary based out of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State and tells the true story of the Lady of Lake Crescent. It follows my journey researching the Lady of the Lake and investigating her purported ghost. But when the investigations take a strange turn, mine and the crews understanding of the intersection of violence, history and the supernatural, change forever.


TPF: A lot of people fancy themselves to be paranormal investigators. Are there any dangers for amateurs who muck around in the paranormal?

Amanda: It’s my personal belief that there are no outside, spiritual dangers of exploring the paranormal though that can change for others with different spiritual or religious beliefs. I believe though that it’s important to ground yourself and check in with the state of your mental health as you search for the meaning and understanding of life after death. The topics explored in the paranormal field can be heavy and it’s important to know your North Star – your reason why. That inner knowing and strength will guide you and protect you along your search for the other side.

TPF: Amanda, thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences with my readers. Amanda is a great follow on social media, so here are her links:

Blog: www.prettyfnspooky.com

IG: Prettyfnspooky

Twitter: Prettyfnspooky

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prettyfnspooky/

TikTok: Prettyfnspooky

The ‘Death is With Me‘ movie: Follow here! 

Readers, as always, thanks for reading! If there are any other paranormal subjects that you’d like me to research and/or get a guest for Paranormal Month, just let me know in the comments!

Do You Want to See a UFO? Read this book!

Yes, it’s Paranormal Month and I am pleased to announce that aliens have landed… on The Phil Factor. Well, maybe not aliens, but a guy who knows a heck of a lot more about them than I do. That’s his book cover above and I love the book!

Multiple award-winning filmmaker and Emmy-nominated casting director Craig Campobasso was fifteen when he started in the entertainment business. Craig has worked behind-the-scenes on blockbuster film classics such as Frank Herbert’s Dune and two Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, Conan The Destroyer and Total Recall. He began his casting career on Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories. He received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Casting for a Series on David E. Kelley’s Picket Fences.

Craig directed, wrote and produced the short film Stranger at the Pentagon, which was adapted from the popular UFO book authored by the late Dr. Frank E. Stranges. In September 2014, it won Best Sci-Fi film at the Burbank International Film Festival. In 2015, it won a Remi Award at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival for Best Sci-Fi Short. Clearly, Craig knows how to write and he knows about UFO’s and aliens.

TPF: Craig you’ve done a lot in the entertainment industry over the years, contributing to many popular TV shows and movies, but what intrigued me about your career is your enduring love for UFOs and extraterrestrials. How did that start for you?

Craig: I began my casting career on Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories and when the show was completed I had a major spiritual awakening. I began to ponder the meaning of life, what was out there in the great big universe. I lived at The Bodhi Tree, a metaphysical bookstore, and started reading books on spirituality and contactee cases where individuals were having face-to-face contact with beings not of this earth, most of them humans just like us. That fascinated me.

I continued studying the phenomena, met many UFO researchers, began investigating cases with them. In one case, I actually photographed an extraterrestrial. The photo is in my best-selling book The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac. While I was writing the ET Almanac in 2019, I found my biological father whom I had never met, through a genealogist. He had passed in 2006. Long story short I found his brother who literally lived around the corner from me and discovered that Fred Vierow, my biological father was in the Air Force and was a part of Project Blue Book.

TPF: Why did you decide to write The UFO Hotspot?

Craig: The publisher Red Wheel Wiser books and their imprint MUFON books wanted to do a follow up to the ET Almanac, which is now a documentary I directed, to be released later this year.

We had the head of MUFON send out queries to all the MUFON State Directors to nominate their favorite hotspots. I compiled them, added a few of my own, and wrote the book. The reader will find the story behind each hotspot and or extraterrestrial encounters. You’ll hear from eyewitnesses, see photographic evidence, and learn about the government and military attempts to cover up and control the flow of information.  You’ll learn the when, where, up-to-date story, things to do at the site, tour guide information and Sources so you can read more about the hotspot.

TPF: What is the most convincing proof of alien life that you’ve ever seen?

Craig: A photograph I took of an extraterrestrial on a high profile abduction case in the Midwest. Another photograph I took of a round metallic probe flying away from Bell Rock in Sedona. (That picture is in UFO Hotspot book.) Also UAPs (Unidentified aerial phenomena) zipping across the skies through night vision binoculars, and in some cases, mentally communicating with them to move their ship in different directions, asking them to power up their ship, and they produce a light show.  Also contactee photographs of ships and the extraterrestrial themselves.

MUFON is a national network of researchers, experts and interested people who track and research UFO sightings. You can join!

TPF: What do you say to people who question the existence of UFOs and aliens?

Craig: I ask them if they believe in God. Most reply yes. Then I ask, Have you ever seen God?

TPF: It’s definitely hard to argue with that logic.

TPF: Here is the question we have all wrestled with. If extraterrestrials landed in your back yard and asked you to go with them for a ride in space, would you go?

Craig: I have been asking this question to actors, some famous, and friends–and most of their replies are yes. The few that said no were terrified of the unknown. There have been many contactees that have been onboard craft not of this earth: George Van Tassel, Dr. Frank Stranges, Howard Menger, early contactees in the 50s and 60s. More recent contactees have been on otherworldly craft numerous times, one man over 100 times. They are featured in my ET Almanac documentary and their story and evidence will be revealed upon its release. I myself would definitely go for the adventure, spiritual elevation, and connecting with our cosmic cousins.

Craig, thank you for sharing your time, experience and knowledge with The Phil Factor audience. For my readers, if you enjoy both reality and fiction books about UFO’s and aliens, instead of forking over more money to Amazon, go to Craig’s website where you can order a book and he will autograph and personalize them! I’ve already got the book and am planning to use it whenever I travel.

Thanks for reading, and keep your eyes on the skies! Stayed tuned tomorrow for an interview with a great psychic! ~Phil

The Mothman Mythology

Check out those abs! That guy is ripped!

I feature a lot of paranormal content to celebrate Paranormal Month, which I invented (copyright!). When you think about the paranormal you usually think of ghosts, demons, UFO’s and cryptids like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

But have you heard about the Mothman? I had heard of Mothman occasionally when consuming paranormal content, but it wasn’t a big topic. The Mothman never gets paranormal headliner status, except in Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. That’s sort of his home region. Despite stories of a winged entity in the Point Pleasant area since the 1920’s, Mothman is still like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster’s little brother, forever in their shadow.

Mothman is an interesting character though because, unlike cryptids, which are usually considered animals that are unusual and difficult to verify, the Mothman (or Mothwomen) are considered to be sentient beings. (Yes, I said Mothmen/women plural. There have been a lot more sightings than people realize.)

The Mothman is often described as being a tall, hairy, winged humanoid being with glowing eyes. Some people have theorized that the Mothman is an alien.

2016 picture of a Mothman flying over Point Pleasant

The Mothman sightings that really captivated the country began in Point Pleasant, West Virginia from Nov. 15 to Dec. 15, 1966. Author John Keel popularized local folklore about the creature with his 1975 book “The Mothman Prophecies.”

Interestingly is that shortly after the Mothman started appearing, so did reports of UFO’s and “Men in Black” (not Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones). In the documentary The Mothman of Point Pleasant there are several eyewitness accounts of unwanted harassment by the Men In Black.

Some believe The Mothman is a bad omen , only appearing when catastrophe is about to strike. There have been many claims that the winged, red-eyed creature was seen right before the Point Pleasant Silver Bridge collapsed early in 1967. That event took the lives of 46 people.

A great book by author JW Ocker with a chapter on the impact the Mothman has had on Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Over the last 50 years there have been reports of Mothmen or Mothwomen being spotted in Vietnam during the war, in Chernobyl, Russia before the nuclear plant melted down, and even a mothman near the Twin Towers before they were hit. Another was reported in August 2007 when the the bridge collapsed in Minnesota.

More recently, starting in the summer of 2011, reports of Mothman-like flying humanoids have been popping up in the Chicago area. The picture below is a map of where those sightings have occurred around Chicago. That’s a lot of sightings, so it’s definitely is not one or two crackpots reporting their hallucinations.

I find the century long story of the Mothman fascinating. If you look back at history, in every country humans have always reported seeing flying beings. Some were thought to be angels, some aliens, some predators. It’s another of those murky paranormal stories that seems to have enough widespread validation that something different is going on but we just haven’t pinned it down.

If you’re more of a watcher than a reader, there is a documentary titled The Mothman of Point Pleasant on Amazon for free. It’s interesting with some very detailed eyewitness accounts. Also on Amazon is a fictional movie based on what happened in Point Pleasant titled The Mothman Prophecies.  It stars Debra Messing and Richard Gere, who in the 6 degrees of separation game is only one person away from me. I wonder if The Mothman predicted that?

As they say, keep your eyes on the skies! You never know what you might see. What do you think? Are cryptids like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster real? Is the Mothman a member of an alien species that visits Earth to warn us of danger? Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts!

Have a great Monday! ~Phil

Do You Want a Haunted House on Purpose?

Grady Hendrix has no idea that I was going to make his book the first pic on my blog today, but hopefully he’s cool with it. I would be. Today’s paranormal topic is how the paranormal has influenced the housing market. There are literally thousands of real estate signs being put up with NOT HAUNTED as part of the sales pitch.

What? Why wouldn’t you want a haunted house? Why aren’t there signs that say “Haunted”?  I would pay extra for a legit haunted house. In the past I had a house that was lightly haunted and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If you are a fan of the paranormal and want to have more of it in your life, why not buy a haunted house on purpose?

You’re probably saying to yourself, “But Phil, how can I buy a haunted house on purpose?” First off, I like when you use my name when you’re talking to yourself and secondly you can learn how to buy a haunted house on purpose by continuing to read this wonderfully written edition of ThePhilFactor. Read on my friends, I have an answer for you.

Yes, that’s real. There is a website that will tell you if someone died in a house that you’re planning to buy. They don’t promise ghosts, but the in-house death certainly gives you a better shot at having some ethereal company. About 20 years ago when my wife and I were house shopping, there was a house that was up for sale because there had been a multiple murder there. I literally said, “C’mon, imagine the discount we’ll get!” She wasn’t having it.

Amityville Horror House

When I moved last year I was hoping for a little haunting. I walked around my house with an EVP meter and and EMF meter and I got nothing. So disappointing.

But then, on Friday, just two days ago I was emptying the dishwasher when a box of cereal literally hopped off the counter and into the sink. It literally had to move at least four inches to the right and clear a ridge about a half inch high. There is no way that was an accident. Windows were closed and the ceiling fan was off, so there was no breeze. Yesterday I mentioned it to my wife, and she casually said, “I’ve smelled cigarette smoke in the living room.”

We’ve been in this house about eight months. Not once has anyone that was a smoker entered my house. Neither of us smokes. I’ve never smelled the cigarette smoke, but between the flying cereal box and the cigarette smoke, I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of living in a haunted house.

If my house is haunted, I want the full on Stranger Things “my son is in the upside-down” kind of haunting. I want to see my dog walking on the ceiling and not knowing why. I’ll be running around the house with my cell phone recording myself Blair Witch Project style, only to find myself in the closet facing the wall.

So who else is with me in wishing for a haunted house? If so, give me a shout in the comments! Have a great Sunday!

Thanks for reading! ~Phil

My Interview with Bigfoot Expert Rick Reles!

That picture above is the Bigfoot that we all grew up with. That bigfoot sighting was alleged to be a hoax, but has not been proven so. That’s fine. Whether it’s Bigfoot, aliens or ghosts, there’s always going to be some hoaxes. Despite that one Bigfoot sighting getting uncovered as a possible hoax, how do you explain that there are literally thousands of sightings of Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti from people all over the world? My opinion is that obviously there is some race of large, hairy, reclusive creatures living in the undeveloped, remote parts of most countries.

I’m not an expert on cryptids, so I interviewed one of the most well known experts on Bigfoot/Sasquatch in the United States, Rick Reles. Rick is one of the founding members of the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization)

Pic from BoldLife.com

Founded in 1995, the BFRO is now the oldest and largest organization of its kind. It’s a virtual community of scientists, journalists, and specialists from diverse backgrounds. The researchers who compose the BFRO are engaged in projects, including field and laboratory investigations, designed to address various aspects of the bigfoot phenomenon.

TPF: Hi Rick, and welcome to The Phil Factor. Over the past year we’ve been digging into the paranormal, including cryptids, but I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to discuss the OG of cryptids, Bigfoot.  When people think of Bigfoot sightings, most people default to the Pacific Northwest, but there are a lot of places around the United States where Bigfoot type creatures have been spotted. What are some of the other hotspots?

Rick: Kentucky, The Appalachian Mountains, Upper Midwest ( Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois), Georgia mountains and Tennessee. Upstate New York, Western Pa.. Basically, where there are vast forests and plentiful water, there are populations of Sasquatch. BFRO.net lists vetted out witness reports by county, by state across the nation, so you can see where activity has been.

Pic from Britannica.com

TPF: Rick, I love that list of hotspots and especially your mention of upstate New York, which is where I live. How many personal sightings of a Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti have you had?

Rick: I have 3 Class “A” sightings, meaning I knew it was not a human, or  animal (bear), I was seeing.

TPF: Have you ever felt that you were in physical danger when you spotted a Bigfoot?

Rick: Yes, I am in the woods all the time, as an active researcher. I lead expeditions, scout areas of reported activity, and investigate witness reports. Sometimes when in the presence of Bigfoots, meaning we hear them, can see their shadow movement, feel their presence, it can get scary. That is them projecting what we believe is “infrasound”, which drives a  “fight or flight” response, in humans. They want you to leave the area  then.

TPF: If you could give one piece of advice to amateurs who want to experience a Sasquatch sighting, what would it be?

Rick:  When in the woods, keep your eyes and ears open. Rely on your senses. Get your nose out of your phone. Listen… Pay attention to odd noises, movements in the forest, whistles, whoops, knocks, howls, stick breaks, etc… We often have blinders on, and these noises do not register. Conversely,  EVERY odd noise in the woods is not a Squatch! Keep your antenna up!

Pic from Jack Osbournes Night of Terror

TPF: You’re also the author of Field Guide to Bigfoot Stick Structures. Could you tell us a little about that and where we could order a copy? —

Rick: The field guide reviews stick structures that Bigfoots assemble in the forest. It speaks to 7 categories,  types that could be built by Bigfoots, and asks questions like: Why these are built? What are the meanings? Are they built for us? For them? And so on.. Photo evidence/examples are given. The Field guide is small, and can be carried easily in a back pack for hiking. It is available on ETSY, at IKNOWSQUATCH. We are also on IG and FB as IKNOWSQUATCH.

TPF: Thank you for your time and expertise. For me, it’s good to know that Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti’s are still alive and well.  For readers interested in finding out if a Bigfoot has been spotted in your area, there is a list of sightings on the BFRO.net website and there are several online maps of sighting locations. I was surprised to find one sighting had been within a mile from my house. Take a look, you might be surprised. If you’re interested in Bigfoot/Sasquatch merch, check out Rick’s ETSY site. They have tons of great stuff! You can even get a bigfoot sticker specific to your state. I ordered that for my laptop and an awesome coffee mug.

Thanks for reading and GO BILLS!  ~Phil