Writing In Public

No, I’m not going to actually write in public. I’m not going to sit in a coffee shop or bus station. What I’m doing is utilizing a strategy my social media friend, DeskInvestor, uses to keep his motivation and accountability going. If you haven’t visited his site, click that link and go there. It’s one of the best designed and most interesting websites that I’ve ever seen. I always feel smarter and dumber after reading his content. Smarter because I always learn something on his site and dumber because his content is so astute and relevant, while I’m here making Dad jokes.

As I was saying, DeskInvestor has decided to “build in public”. I met him a few months ago when I saw his social media posts about his goal to build 12 AI apps in twelve months. He posts daily about triumphs, setbacks, and progress. Remember his guest post on my blog back in early March? Go back and read it if you haven’t.

This could be me, but it’s not.

Anyway, I’m not going to build AI apps in public. I’m more likely to crash AI apps with my ridiculous content. What I am going to do is similar to what DeskInvestor did. I’m going to set a writing goal and report here weekly to keep myself accountable for doing what I say I am going to do.

My goal is to finish a novel that I’ve started. My goal is also for it to be an international sensation that becomes a movie, but I’m not going to worry about that until it’s done. My concrete steps to finish the novel will be putting in 30 minutes of writing  six days per week. I will post each Monday if I did indeed get in the 30 minutes per day and what my word count is.

Does it count if my dog helps me? I’m just kidding. My dog doesn’t write. She only does the edits. Ok, here it is: Right now, I have 3322 words typed, including paragraph titles. My goal is to get to at least 65,000. I’ll still post blog posts when I can as well, so hopefully I’ll be doing a lot of writing in the upcoming months. Day 1 is already done. That’s the first step.

Thanks for reading!  ~Phil

4 responses to “Writing In Public

  1. You’re getting really wordy! I couldn’t write in a public place, not the way I swear at the computer when it doesn’t do what I want it to do… they’d kick me out.

    • Lol at the getting kicked out. I couldn’t write in public because I can’t tune out everything around me. need a tornado shelter to myself to get any writing done.

  2. I’m going to post my next blog by tagging it in glorious bright spray paint on a BNSF freight car for the world to see! Why write at all if you can’t stand by your words?

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