Category Archives: book reviewers

A New Review For Time To Lie

Thank you to Jackie Paulson of The Nutty Book Blogger for the great review of my book Time To Lie. You can find the review and the rest of her site HERE. Have a great Friday evening! ~Phil

“A Roller Coaster Ride of Fun” and like Back To The Future?

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers’ Favorite

Time To Lie: Landon Bridges’ Story Book 1 by Phil Taylor is what I would call a YA thriller/sci fi/comedy that is somewhat reminiscent of Back to the Future, but without the DeLorean going 88 miles per hour in order to travel to a different time. Landon’s in a much different situation, and time travel is not exactly like he expected it to be. His knowledge about his future begins at zero (as you might imagine), but ramps up steadily throughout the book. Without giving too many spoilers away, our hero Landon learns that some big changes are coming and he’s a big part of them. Little by little, he learns the extent of his responsibility in the whole mix.

This was an excellent story, with believable characters, plenty of twists and turns, mysterious people coming and going, and events unfolding, all the while adding a generous dose of self-deprecating humor to the mix. The story was tightly written and worked well to keep me in my seat. It was hard to put it down. I liked the part where the author showed how going back and forth in time can mess things up, instead of only always telling how things will change for the worse. The only downside I saw in Time to Lie, Landon Bridges’ Story Book 1 was the use of profanity throughout that might turn some readers off. However, overall, Phil Taylor delivers a roller-coaster ride of fun. Fortunately for us readers, this is only the first book. Highly recommended.

Thank you Bruce and Readers Favorite! If you haven’t tried my humorous suspense time travel novel, why not? It’s available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback. Have a great Friday! ~Phil

White Picket Prisons: A New Review!


Woo Hoo! A good review for my first novel just appeared on Readers Favorite, a completely legit, impartial website that I didn’t pay. Here it is:

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers’ Favorite

White Picket Prisons by Phil Taylor is located in the suspense book category, but it is so much more. Cooper, Dave, Chuck, and Cliff have been best friends since childhood when they had dubbed themselves The Golden Boys. They are now adults and have remained close friends through marriages, careers, life, and deaths. As the story begins, they have gathered for the funeral of Dave’s dad. We are quickly drawn into their reunion which consists of all the things they did as kids, picking on one another, taking the neighborhood walk and hanging out. The good time they are having quickly takes a turn for the worst and suddenly they find themselves in danger. The plot takes several twists and turns and we and the Golden Boys are unsure who and why the bad guys are suddenly after them. Is it something from their childhood, did one of them do something awful, are all four marked for death, we wonder, and until the very end there is no sure answer. Each of them reveals surprising new facts about themselves as they work together to survive and find the answers they so desperately seek.

White Picket Prisons is a book about lasting friendship that spans many years. It is a book filled with suspense and excitement, strong characters and an engaging plot. Phil Taylor has given us 173 pages that will keep you glued from start to finish. This may be Phil Taylor’s first work but I truly hope it isn’t his last. White Picket Prisons is a winner for everyone. Don’t pass up reading this book.

It is available in both e-book and paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It is also available in the iTunes bookstore. Have a great Friday! ~Phil

Reviewers are a Readers Best Friend: 9 Indie Book Review Sites

Usually on Tuesdays I try to introduce you to one of the great indie authors I’ve become acquainted with. Today I’m doing something a little different. Since I published the first edition of my novel #WhitePicketPrisons last Fall I’ve become acquainted with several book reviewers and book review sites. For those of you reading books by big name authors and publishing houses you’re still paying $9.99 and up for the books you download to your Kindle or Nook. The fantastic little secret I learned when I discovered indie authors over a year ago is that often these “unknown” authors can spin a tale with the best of them and readers benefit because most of these great reads cost anywhere from FREE to $4.99.  Here is a list of several of the sites you can follow on Facebook, Twitter and their full website where you can find info on free e-book downloads literally every day! Cynthia and her friends specialize in paranormal and paranormal romance novels but you can find reviews and giveaways of almost any genre on her page. Her Facebook page announces lots of free book downloads almost every day. If you’re an author she’s also a great editor. You can follow her on Facebook here: The Fun with Books Blog is run by Rosemary Montgomery and features reviews on a wide range of genres. She also has an extensive list of other book bloggers so that if you don’t find something that meets your taste there you can just hop on over to the next great reviewer. Say What? Savannah Mae is a wonderful supporter of indie authors and reviews all genres of books. Her Facebook page is a great follow for reviews, contests and tips on free reads.  In addition to being a friend to readers and authors Savannah Mae is also a supporter of bringing reading to children who are hospitalized and you can help. It’s a brilliant idea. Please read more about it here: You can follow Savannah Mae on Facebook at: With several different reviewers they’ve got all the angles covered and you can probably find something that piques your interest. Of course you can also get daily updates on reviews and indie author books by following them on Facebook at: Jodi Ann at Chapters and Chats reviews a variety of genres and also has author interviews so that you can meet the people behind the stories. You can find Chapters and Chats on Facebook at: Bex n’ Books is a fun hodge podge of all different kinds of interesting novel reviews from adult fantasy, to vampires and zombies to suspense. The Facebook page is always fun with not only review links and info on free downloads but a lot of just funny stuff you’ll want to re-post. You can find it at: This is a full service website for readers and authors alike. For readers IndieTribe offers book reviews, author interviews and their indie book showcase. For authors they offer book proofreading, critique, and upload as well as marketing services. You can find Indie Tribe on Facebook at:

~Narly Nut’s Book Lovers: You can find her reviews at .Narly Nut has a whole bunch of fun on her Facebook page including promos for free or cheap e-books as well as a whole host of literary funny posts on a daily basis. You can find her here: Big Als Books and Pals covers all genres and if you follow his Facebook page at you’ll be treated to a variety of entertaining literary quotes every day.

This is just a short list of some that I have come across. I would have made it an even ten but I got tired. There are literally thousands more out there and what’s really great is that they are run and written by genuinely nice people who do it for the love of reading. As always, if you like what you read here please his one of the share buttons below.