Tag Archives: Thursday Doors

Thursday Doors

Have a great evening! ~Phil

Thursday Doors

It’s a little late in the day, but I think a gate counts for #ThursdayDoors. This is my favorite gate from Village Gate Square in Rochester, NY


The idea to post pictures of doors on Thursdays doesn’t seem all that remarkable or even to make any logical sense, but since Norm2.0 started the idea it seems the world of bloggers has picked it up. I contribute when I can.

I found this one in a small city in western New York. I always find that houses of worship have the most interesting doors. Happy #ThursdayDoors! ~Phil

Thursday Doors!

I don’t often do the Thursday Doors, which is the brainchild of Norm 2.o, but when I find a spectacular one I like to join the fun. THis is the entrance to the Columbia Restaurant, which opened in 1903, in the Ybor district of Tampa.

Have a great night! ~Phil