On To The Main Events!

In the States Thanksgiving is just a speed bump we have to get past before we can really dig into Christmas and Hannukah. What do other countries do in November? Do you start decorating for Christmas the day after Halloween/Day of the Dead/ Samhain etc.?

This year some psychopaths got together and created a Thanksgiving horror movie. For cripes sake, is anything sacred? Not that I’m the biggest Thanksgiving fan, but really, how unoriginal was this idea? Haven’t we  seen this one before:

Oh no, holiday get together goes wrong. There’s an ominous, crazy, murderous person dressed up in a grotesque caricature costume of the holiday, picking off victims one by one, often in a different and horrible way each time. Eventually after everyone except one have been picked off, that lone gutty survivor manages to kill the perpetrator. Until the next sequel.  Sound familiar?

This is what happens when the writers go on strike. We get unoriginal regurgitated versions of things we’ve seen before. If you know a Hollywood movie/TV show writer, give them a hug and a cup of coffee.

So today is “Black Friday”. Fortunately, the old style Black Friday where you’d have to sleep out on a store’s doorstep to get a chance to buy a creepy animatronic doll is gone thanks to Amazon.

I love my Amazon, but it’s getting creepy how big it’s become and how much of our lives are dictated by Amazon. They started with just books, and I loved them back then. Now they manage a significant percentage of online data storage for corporations. They send rockets into space and a significant portion of what we watch on our phones and telephones are dictated by them. And today, Amazon will be raking in billions of our dollars just because they’re convenient.  They know more about us than the government, unless we didn’t read the permissions on some 40 page long contract we signed that allows them to sell our data to our government.

That last idea was kind of a bummer huh? My original intent was just to see if everyone else feels like I do about Thanksgiving being a speed bump on the way to Christmas/Hannukah. The rest of this was just some random thoughts. Feel free to comment on any or all of it. I hope you have a great Friday, if Amazon let’s us

Also I’m seriously thinking that I should really run for President. There is no one out there I trust and want to vote for.

(See? I don’t always write inane fluff pieces!)

Thanks for reading! ~Phil

4 responses to “On To The Main Events!

  1. In the UK, as soon as it hits midnight on Hallowe’en night, the Christmas carols start. It’s a national phenomenon.

  2. I think you should run for President. You would be so much better than the doofus in the office now.

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