Tag Archives: Hoff the Record

Music Monday: You Should Hassle The Hoff

This is one of my more unusual Music Monday features. Yes, it’s David Hasselhoff. Last week I heard him in a radio interview promoting his Netflix show Hoff the Record. I honestly know nothing of his music career other than the video below, which is his iconic moment singing “Freedom” on top of the Berlin Wall. What I do know about is Hoff the Record. Hoff the Record is a mockumentary, a faux reality show, about David Hasselhoff going to England to try to revive his career with a questionable agent and a hilarious cast of characters. In the radio interview The Hoff talked of how funny his show was and insisted that the interviewer watch it. I thought to myself, “I’m sure he’s not nearly as funny as he thinks he is.” I was right. He’s funnier than he thinks he is. David Hasselhoff is a man who doesn’t take himself too seriously and is a much better comedic actor than you’d ever suspect. The writing is brilliantly funny. Go watch it.

Have a great Monday! ~Phil