Scientists Making The World Worse, Again…

Will dinosaurs roam the Earth again? Yes! And maybe by 2027. Apparently scientists, who have never seen the ending of a Jurassic Park movie, are hell bent on making new dinosaurs.

A company, named appropriately as Colossal (as in colossal mistake), is going to use some old woolly mammoth DNA they found lying around and they’re going to mix it with some DNA from an Asian elephant, because their DNA is a 99.6% match. Damn, you never see a score that good on Tinder, right?

The funny part of the whole thing is that the scientists are going to introduce the new woolly mammoths in arctic areas, including northern Russia, because the Siberian area was part of the woolly mammoths natural habitat when they were alive. I’m thinking that this is actually a secret C.I.A. plot to take down Russia and end the Ukraine war. Russia will have to decide if they want to fight the woolly mammoths or the Ukrainians. Take that Putin! 

The stated intent of Colossal for recreating woolly mammoths is to help the environment. Watch the video below. It’s only 1:16. It doesn’t sound real. It sounds as if it’s the beginning of another Jurassic Park movie. After the video ends you can picture a boardroom with a bunch of guys in suits shaking hands with scientists in lab coats. Then someone loudly says, “I don’t see how this could possibly go wrong!”

My question for Colossal is how in the world is adding woolly mammoths going to help the environment? They are basically elephants the size of a house. Can you imagine how much methane gas those things are going to give off when they walk around farting? And their poops are going to be as big as an eight year old child. Who’s going to be picking those up? Is there a doggy bag big enough for that? Yes, I turned a genetics discussion into a fart joke.

I’m really hoping that my theory about the C.I.A. is right. Between dinosaurs and evil A.I., I’m kind of worried about the future of mankind.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading! ~Phil

8 responses to “Scientists Making The World Worse, Again…

  1. Seems that when an animal has a sunset it should remain so. Can’t wait to see Wooly Mammoths in DC

  2. Rebecca G Bivone

    The video literally sounds like the narrative from a movie explaining how the wooly mammoth reappeared. Do they think the mammoth will re-freeze the arctic? They act like losing the mammoth caused climate change instead of us stupid humans.

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  4. With the rise of A.I i dont think it’s bad to add another species to the world. Especially if it’s not blood thirsty like a T-Rex.

    So i would be happy if it was the wolly mammoth

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