What’s Wrong With The American Presidency (and how to fix it)

The American presidency, has gone awry in so many ways over the last several years. I’d also like to add that the American Senate and House of  Representatives has gone bad too. No one in good conscience and of sound mind can dispute my last two sentences.  There is not a question mark after the title because I’m not asking how to fix it. I’m going to tell you what should be done. I will warn you though, you may not like what I have to say.

Most law enforcement agencies use psychological testing to measure a variety of job-related behaviors and personality traits to help them pick the best applicants for a job as police officers. The branches of the military in the United States use aptitude, achievement, and personality (psychological) tests to screen candidates.

Our country carefully screens and selects the people who try to protect our lives. Why don’t we do that with elected officials who have the power to effect so many issues in our lives? I believe that those tests should be applied to everyone who is running for candidacy for any elected government position. We need people who are of sound mind and have our best interests in mind.

Hey, how about a background check too? How did this clown get into Congress? Hey everyone on Long Island, that one is on you.

I believe that anyone running for an elected position should have to pass a background check. I also believe that public officials family members should pass a background check. If there’s a criminal history with more than a speeding ticket then that person could be an influential liability to the elected official.

Take a look at that graph from Boston University. Look at the purple and green lines. Those represent inductive reasoning and perceptual speed. They drop precipitously after the age of 60, for everyone. Those losses in cognitive function are coming for you and me as well as all of our government representatives. I don’t know about you, but I want the people making decisions on my behalf to be smarter than me. In the United States they have a minimum age of 35 to be elected President. If there’s a minimum, there should also be a maximum.

To summarize:

-I believe ALL elected officials should have to pass cognitive and psychological testing.

-I believe ALL elected officials should have to pass a background check. If they have anything more than a speeding ticket, they’re out.

-I also believe that there should be a maximum age for ALL elected federal government officials.

I do not believe that either presidential candidate, and many congress and senate members do not meet what I think are reasonable expectations for our elected government officials.

To be fair, I do want to say that many, many people far older than me are sharper than a lot of people younger than them and could do any government job as well as anyone. But I also believe that we should be cautious and safe with whom we trust to lead our nation.

I’m Phil and I approve this message. If you are voting in the primaries this year consider writing me in, if I pass the tests. #Phil2024 

So what do you think of my ideas? Do you have any ideas to improve the sad state of our government?

Thanks for reading! Phil

8 responses to “What’s Wrong With The American Presidency (and how to fix it)

  1. Have a happy Sunday Phil.

  2. . I think the age maximum is a great idea. Also, cognitive tests should be run every year of the term for those in office over 60 years of age.

    • I agree that the cognitive testing annually. Sometimes cognitive or psychiatric issues develop in less than a year. Heck, at my age I’d like my head checked regularly. Thanks for responding John. I think some people are avoiding this post because of the political title

  3. Happy Lego Day, Charles. I enjoyed the photos and the video. Those kits are amazing.

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