Tag Archives: Wegmans

Top Ten Tuesday! Ten Unusual Things I’m Thankful For



With the American holiday of Thanksgiving upon us later this week it’s time to think about what we’re thankful for. Sure, it would be easy to say family, health, friends etc. That’s easy and obvious. Of course we’re all thankful for those things. I want to get to the other things we’re thankful for; the unusual, quirky little things that make our life bearable. Here’s my top ten for this year:

10. England: I’m half English, but having grown up in America I had no strong affiliation or identity with the homeland of my ancestors. This year, however, in anticipation of a work trip to London, I immersed myself in English culture the only way I knew how: by watching British TV shows on Netflix and Hulu. The British are very funny.


9. Netflix and Hulu: Duh! How did you not see this coming? TV shows with few if any commercials? Best invention since TV shows with commercials.

8. Keurig: I can have a cup of coffee within 60 seconds of waking up? Yes please!


7. Wi-Fi: When I’m elected President, or Sexiest Man Alive, whichever comes first, I will decree that free wi-fi be available everywhere. Everywhere. I will herd all the worlds wi-fi experts into a room and not let them out until they develop a plan to use satellites to create world-wide wi-fi.

6. The funny shaped neck pillows: It may seem odd and goofy, but I’m telling you, whether you have any neck issues or not, get one of these pillows. It will feel odd at first, but once you get used to them you’ll never go back to ordinary pillows,


5. Amazon: The website, not the rainforest. I’m sure the Amazon rainforest is pretty cool and all, what with all that oxygen it produces. That’s just air. The rainforest isn’t going to deliver me whatever I want within 48 hours. I like Amazon so much I’ve tried to look up job opportunities with them. Oh, by the way, you can get my books in both paperback and e-book editions on Amazon.  (they’d make great Christmas or Hanukkah gifts)

4. Thanksgiving is only one day: Yes, I’m thankful Thanksgiving is only one day. Heck, I’d be ecstatic if it was only one hour. At least it doesn’t get a whole month. Thanksgiving is not that great of a holiday. If the main meal were pizza however, it would be my favorite holiday.

3. I don’t live in Buffalo, N.Y.: Buffalo got 7 feet, over 2 metres, of snow last week. It’s been on the news constantly. Hey everybody, guess what? You live in Buffalo! It snows a lot there. I’m pretty sure that fact isn’t a surprise to anyone. You don’t hear people who moved to the desert complaining about the heat do you? If you don’t like snow don’t live there!


2. Wegmans: The world’s best supermarket. Native to western New York but slowly spreading. The picture above applies to both Buffalo and Wegmans. Look, I know some of you will say that your local supermarket is the best. Trust me on this. It’s not. You need a Wegmans. Where I live you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Wegmans and that’s just the way we like it.

1. Blogging: Yes, this may seem corny and obvious, but I love the blogosphere. Through reading little slices of peoples lives I’ve traveled the world and learned things I might never have known. Thank you to all my blogging friends. I like some of you more than some people I know in real life. In 5 months my blog will be ten years old and I expect it’ll still be around ten years from now.

In the comments please add your unusual things that you’re thankful for. As always, if you enjoy what you read at #ThePhilFactor please share by hitting the Facebook, Twitter, or re-blog buttons below. Have a great Tuesday! ~Phil