Tag Archives: writing contest

I’m Still #WritingInPublic, But Where?

As I said a week ago, I’m on a mission to write a novel by the end of the year, AND I’m hoping to finish it before my social media friend DeskInvestor is able to finish creating 12 A.I. apps.  Since I last announced my working on a new novel, myself and Desk Investor have agreed to a competition. But, we haven’t agreed on what would be the spoils of victory? Any suggestions?

I’m typing so fast my laptop is on fire!

Here’s my progress in the first week of #WritingInPublic. I’ve written every day of the last week and I have 5700 words, which is only about one 12th of the length of a short novel. So, if I’ve done 1/12th in one week, it goes to reason that it will take me 12 weeks to finish the novel. Do you hear that DeskInvestor?  How are those apps coming along? To be honest, week after this, I have a family vacation, so I probably won’t be writing much. So, because of the vacation, I’m on track to finish the novel in 13 weeks, maybe…

Thank You To Hot Mess Memoir!

I want to give a big thank you to Angela of Hot Mess Memoir for choosing my very short story as the winner of her What Would You Tell Oprah in 400 Words or Less writing contest. No, I’m not going to post my short story here. You have to go to Angela’s site to read it. Have a great Sunday and go visit Hot Mess Memoir! Thank you Angela!