Tag Archives: Psychics

Are Psychics Real? Uri Geller and I Think So!

Yes, I will continue to use this picture that I created in 2017. See? I knew what you were thinking, because I’m a psychic.

Are psychics real? That’s a big question isn’t it? Many people go to see psychics in a variety of venues for a variety of reasons and a lot of those people report their psychics as being knowledgeable and helpful.

Hmm… I wonder if Uri Geller psychically knows that I’m using his name to attract readers? Probably. Uri, if you’re reading this, I’d love to interview you.

Many “psychics” have made lucrative careers on stage and TV, as well as your local psychic who charges $100/hour for a tarot reading. The question is, do these psychics truly have the ability to read minds, see the past and future, and bend spoons? And, are these psychics qualified to give you advice on important life issues?

I do believe that some people do have legitimate psychic abilities, but that’s probably a much smaller number than the number of people who call themselves psychics.

Picture Courtesy Parade.com

The one group that most people are familiar with is tarot card readers. A person can give a great tarot card reading without being a psychic. Some tarot readers are actually very skilled therapists in how they work with a client through a reading. Some tarot readers are psychic and some are not, but either can be very helpful.

The pictures on the tarot cards are intended to project a general theme that either you or the tarot reader can interpret and expand upon, relating that theme to things in your life. As the tarot reader reveals each card it adds another layer of depth or nuance to the original theme that you or they attached to the first card. Tarot readers are one kind of psychic. There are many others.

Psychic Uri Geller

Another kind of psychic is the reality show/Las Vegas psychic. These type of psychics always make me a little uneasy. Not because I think they are all fakes, but because I think some of them are fakes. The guy in the picture above is psychic Uri Geller, who is best known for bending spoons with his mind. Yes, I believe that he really did that and I really believe that he is a psychic. Why do I believe that? I’m reading a book on his life and he has done so much more than just spoon bending. His life has been so unbelievably crazy that it deserves it’s own post, coming soon after this one. 

Btw Uri, if you’re reading this and know I want to interview you, just send me the answers. I’m sure you already know my questions

In addition to tarot card readings and putting on entertaining stage shows where they channel the spirit and voice of your late Aunt Audrey, psychics have a lot of different ways that their abilities are manifested.

Some can hold an object and tell the history of that particular object. Others have claimed to have the ability to leave their bodies and travel to and observe others. There is what’s called remote viewing, where psychics are able to mentally see what’s going on somewhere else far away. Telepathy, precognition, and telekinesis are some of the topics I’ll be exploring in my next few posts. If there are any other types of psychic phenomena that you’d like to hear more about, just give me a shout in the comments. 

Thanks for reading (my mind) Especially you Uri! ~Phil

Do Not Trust All “Psychics”

On Christmas I gave my gift to the world, i.e. my annual psychic predictions blog post. If you are too busy to read that now, I’ll tell you a little about it.

Annually I publish psychic predictions focusing on celebrities, the Royals, and big picture stuff going on in the world. Some predictions are intentionally funny while others are serious prognostications. This year I did something different at the end of my predictions.

What I did, that I’ve never done before, was to invite people to comment and ask me questions that they want me to answer psychically. I was expecting questions like, “Which team will win the Super Bowl?” or “Will Russia use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war?” or “Will I win the lottery this year?”. I was completely flabbergasted at the responses I got. Not because there was a lot of them, but because of the nature of the questions.

When I think I’ve written a good blog post, which I always think about my psychic predictions, in addition to publishing it to WordPress, I will share it to Twitter and my author page on Facebook. Facebook gives you the option of paying money to “boost” your post so more people see it higher up in their feeds. $3.00 I boosted my psychic predictions post for a day.

What surprised me was that a decent number of people messaged me through my Facebook author page asking me to answer very personal questions about themselves. Also, several of them sent me their full names with middle initials and dates of birth. Not only did they send me their information, some gave the same detailed information about other people in their lives that they had questions about.

If anyone reading this is considering speaking to a psychic on the phone, online, or in person, please do not volunteer that much detail and personal information until you have vetted the psychic. Check out their website and check out local Yelp reviews.

Also, here is a good article that can help you to determine between the good psychics and the scammers.

It is truly wonderful that so many people have so much trust in strangers on the internet, and I wish that all internet strangers were kind and honest. Sadly that is not the world we live in.

Yes, I believe that some people have psychic abilities, but there are also some bad people out there who are taking advantage of people’s hopes, dreams, and heartbreak. If you believe in the paranormal and psychic things, please be careful when you pursue answers and be wary of the people offering them.

I could answer peoples questions all day, but I think reminding people to be more careful with their personal information and money so they don’t get ripped off is the best thing I could tell anyone.

Have a great Thursday! ~Phil

The Top Ten Psychic Pick-Up Lines

I first published this column back in April of 2017. Since then, a funny thing has happened. Every single day for the last six years, people from all over the world find this column and read it. Either a lot psychics are looking for help with their love life, or a lot of people are curious about what psychics do when the lights go out.

Psychics are people too though. When they’re not reading minds, predicting the future or communicating with the spirit of your Great Aunt Maude, they’re out there looking for love just like the rest of us. I imagine though that their special skills allow them to try a much different approach when meeting someone. Here are the Top Ten Psychic Pickup Lines:

10. I know your future and it’s me.

9. You’re fine. How am I?

8. Let me read your palm. No, not on the table.

7. I’ve been in touch with your great, great grandmother and she wants you to date me.

6. It’s not you, it’s me. Don’t worry, this will make sense in about 6 months.

5. I see a tremendous amount of pleasure in your future.

4. Don’t talk to that guy. The stars say that he will only lead to heartbreak. I on the other hand…

3. I already know what you like

2. Do you have a dog? You do? I’m a pet psychic. Take me to your apartment immediately.

1. Why yes, I do have crystal balls.

Have a great Tuesday! I know you will. ~Phil

Copyright ThePhilFactor.com 2023

Do Not Trust All “Psychics”

I hope that world renown psychic Gary Spivey has a sense of humor and doesn’t sue me. I did not create that meme. I’m here to discuss a serious topic.

On Christmas I gave my gift to the world, i.e. my annual psychic predictions blog post. If you are too busy to read that now, I’ll tell you a little about it.

Annually I publish psychic predictions focusing on celebrities, the Royals, and big picture stuff going on in the world. Some predictions are intentionally funny while others are serious prognostications. This year I did something different at the end of my predictions.

What I did, that I’ve never done before, was to invite people to comment and ask me questions that they want me to answer psychically. I was expecting questions like, “Which team will win the Super Bowl?” or “Will Russia use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war?” or “Will I win the lottery this year?”. I was completely flabbergasted at the responses I got. Not because there was a lot of them, but because of the nature of the questions.

When I think I’ve written a good blog post, which I always think about my psychic predictions, in addition to publishing it to WordPress, I will share it to Twitter and my author page on Facebook. Facebook gives you the option of paying money to “boost” your post by them pushing it into the feeds of people that fit your demographic. I chose to do that for my 2023 psychic predictions post.

What surprised me was that a decent number of people messaged me through my Facebook author page asking me to answer very personal questions about themselves. Also, several of them sent me their full names with middle initials and dates of birth. Not only did they send me their information, some gave the same detailed information about other people in their lives that they had questions about.

If anyone reading this is considering speaking to a psychic on the phone, online, or in person, please do not volunteer that much detail and personal information until you have vetted the psychic. Check out their website and check out local Yelp reviews.

It is truly wonderful that so many people have so much trust in strangers on the internet, and I wish that all internet strangers were kind and honest. Sadly that is not the world we live in.

I could answer peoples questions all day, but I think reminding people to be more careful with their personal information and money so they don’t get ripped off is the best thing I could tell anyone.

Yes, I believe that some people have psychic abilities, but there are also some bad people out there who are taking advantage of people’s hopes, dreams, and heartbreak. If you believe in the paranormal and psychic things, please be careful when you pursue answers and be wary of the people offering them.