Tag Archives: best TV show theme songs

Top Ten Tuesday! Ten More Best TV Show Theme Songs

Back in August I posted The Ten Best TV Show Theme Songs Ever, and found it tremendously difficult to narrow it down to just ten. Then my readers chimed in with more suggestions that were all just as good, so here are 11-20 of the best TV show theme songs ever list.

20. The Littlest Hobo: I never saw the show, and it was suggested by Steve of Steve Says who’s from Scotland, so I’m not sure where the show is from. It appears to be one of those 70’s theme songs that tell the whole story.

19. Game of Thrones: If I had watched this show yet, it would be ranked higher.

18. The Jeffersons: An iconic late 70’s early 80’s show. Everyone knew the lyrics to this one.

17. Downton Abbey: I was tempted to type it as Downtown Abbey just to see how many of you would correct me in the comments.

16. Gilligan’s Island: I can still sing the lyrics from memory for the 70’s classic from my childhood.

15. CSI: In the first version of this list I didn’t want to include CSI because the theme songs weren’t originally created for the show, but I do like me some classic Who.

14. Hawaii 5-0: An unmistakable classic. It was left off the first list because of it’s lack of lyrics. In my college days, whenever this song was played in a certain bar we would stage dive onto the crowd from on top of tables.

13. Dr. Who: It’s a classic, iconic show. I love the show, but am frustrated that there’s no lyrics! I know it varies from year to year, so I just picked one.

12. The Muppet Show: An unforgettable classic suggested by Norm 2.0. Brilliantly funny!

11. The Big Bang Theory: Who here can sing all the lyrics in perfect time?

Well, between the two lists do you think I’ve captured the 20 best TV show theme songs of all time? Or do you have other suggestions? Will I have to make another list?

Have a great Tuesday! ~Phil