Category Archives: technology

Discover Travel Destinations with AIreelity Film Location Finder

La La Land

Do you want to sit on that bench? There’s an app for that!

The following is a guest post from a brilliant app designer,, who I met through the internet. His website is more than just new apps. It’s an amazing collection of writing about AI and other tech topics that will leave you feeling smarter after reading. Also he’s a gifted AI artist as well. DeskInvestor, take it away…

In a world where travel meets the silver screen, the allure of breathtaking destinations often captured in our favorite films can now become the backdrop of your next vacation. Thanks to the innovative AI app, , cinematic escapism takes on a new, tangible form, allowing movie enthusiasts to step into the very scenes that captivated their imaginations. Discover Travel Destinations with AIreelity.

Discover Travel Destinations with AIreelity

With AIreelity, your film-inspired wanderlust is no longer confined to your couch. The app ingeniously bridges the gap between the fictional worlds you adore and the real-life locations that set the stage for these cinematic adventures. Imagine walking through the desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan, that stood in for the planet Arrakis, or experiencing the grandeur of the Liwa Desert in Abu Dhabi, a canvas for some of the most expansive desert scenes ever captured on film.

AIreelity’s seamless interface is as simple as it is magical: enter the name of your favorite movie, and let the AI work its charm. It meticulously analyzes the movie’s filming locations and churns out recommendations for sites to visit, along with nearby landmarks and monuments. Each suggestion serves as a bridge between the art of filmmaking and the art of travel.

Discover Travel Destinations with AIreelity

The app doesn’t just provide a list; it curates a travel experience. For instance, it will highlight notable landmarks like the Alamleh Restaurant under Jordan’s starlit sky, or the Qasr Al Sarab Restaurant near Abu Dhabi’s Moreeb Dune. And for those drawn to the urban charm as depicted in films, AIreelity can point you to Budapest’s iconic New York Café or the historic Buda Castle, translating celluloid moments into real-world experiences.

Discover Travel Destinations with AIreelity

The unique proposition of AIreelity is more than a travel guide; it’s a portal to living your favorite films. It caters to the wanderlust of the cinephile, the yearning for new experiences of the adventurous, and the precision planning needs of the modern traveler. From the dramatic coastlines of Norway’s Stadlandet to the bustling streets of Budapest, AIreelity is your ticket to an immersive journey where your movie moments are the stars, and you, the traveler, are the director of your own story.

In a world where reality and fantasy converge, AIreelity is your guide. This isn’t just about seeing the world; it’s about experiencing it through the lens of the movies that inspire you the most. So grab your camera, and your bucket list, and let AIreelity craft your next reel-ity adventure. Checkout OpenAI Sora

Did Elon Musk Do Something Good…or Terrifying?

Pic from Kotelink

First Elon ruined Twitter for us and now he’s mucking about in peoples brains? He’s also effing up my blog post schedule. I was going to start making fun of the Super Bowl today and he had to go start making cyborgs. And guess what? You and I might be able to become cyborgs pretty soon! How great is that?

Pic from

In 1973 astronaut Steve Austin (the original ass kicking Steve Austin before the wrestler) woke from surgery to realize that he had been made into the world’s first cyborg. He was The Six Million Dollar Man. Hell, six million dollars is just a night out for Elon Musk. I wonder if Elon got his latest touted idea from that TV series. Or did Elon get pissed because he’s now only the second richest man on Earth and said to himself, “If I make an army of cyborgs I can rule the world!”  To be fair, who hasn’t had that thought now and then, right?

Pic from IMDB

This past week Elon’s company, Nueralink, reported that they have implanted a device into a human brain that “is designed to interpret a person’s neural activity, so they can operate a computer or smartphone by simply intending to move – no wires or physical movement are required,” Neuralink said as it called for volunteers.” Yes, you read that right, click the link and sign up for Elon Musk to be in your brain.

To be fair, from the NPR article, Elon said, “Initial users will be those who have lost the use of their limbs. Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal.” Nice job Elon! You just said that if Stephen Hawking could type and talk faster he would have been a better physicist. (Btw, click the Stephen Hawking link to see and hear something very cool)

Look, I know all you millenials are thrilled that you might be able to create a Tik-Tok just by thinking about it. To me this looks like the possibility of some great medical advances and also the beginning of everything that’s ever happened in a dystopian novel or movie.

Pic from Hulu

Just ask Will Smith. He knew the robots were bad. If you can’t trust Will Smith, who can you trust, besides me? Me and Will Smith are the only two that are going to tell you the truth. You know damn well Elon won’t, unless it’s making him billions. And Elon, if you don’t like what I said here, you have an open invitation to sit down with me for an interview. Dinner’s on you.

So readers, what do you think? Are you ready to have brain surgery to make life more convenient?

Thanks for reading! ~Phil

Are Sweet Dreams Really Made of This?

Are sweet dreams really made of this? Remember the movie Inception? If you didn’t see it, it was a real long and real trippy movie starring Leo DiCaprio as a high tech thief who steals corporate secrets by infiltrating other peoples dreams. The writer/director Christopher Nolan has also written some other great movies such as Oppenheimer, Interstellar and some of the post-2000 Batman and Superman movies.

It seems that Christopher Nolan was prophetic when he wrote Inception. Remember my post about lucid dreams two weeks ago? If not, CLICK THIS. I talked about lucid dreaming, which is when you have control over what happens and what you do in your dreams; very much like Leo Dicaprio did in Inception.

Apparently, an A.I. company named PropheticAI has developed a device to help people have lucid dreams. One of my readers, brought this to my attention after he read my post about lucid dreaming. He has a great website that focuses on almost everything A.I. He wrote an interesting post about the Morpheus-1, which is the name of the device that PropheticAI will have available for sale this Spring.

The Morpheus-1 halo is a wearable device that is purported to help induce lucid dreaming. The digital art here is from

If you had the option to control what happens in your dreams, would you want to? I definitely would want to do it occasionally. I wouldn’t want it full time.  As someone with a Masters in Clinical Psychology, I believe that dreaming serves a purpose for us neurologically and emotionally. If we were to spend too much time choosing what happens in our dreams,  we may not get the benefits of what natural dreaming does for us. Last year I wrote a post about the purposes dreaming serves for our brain. Click that highlighted link to read.

If the Morpheus-1 and it’s halo do what it is purported to do, I see its use like the Meta Virtual Reality Headset; a device able to take us away from reality for a little temporary fun,  but it’s not a place you should try to live in.

In the comments, what would you do if you had the option to control your dreams?

Btw, if you want to try out the first movie about lucid dreaming, look up Dreamscape from 1984 starring Dennis Quaid.

Thanks for reading! ~Phil

The Shocking Truth: How Click Bait Addiction Will Ruin Your Life!


Read this post! You won’t believe what happens next! It could save your life! Ten Things You Can’t Afford NOT to Know! Click bait is the eye candy of the internet. I know, I know, you thought I was, but for the purposes of today’s Phil Factor we’ll say click bait is the eye candy of the internet.  A title or picture so tantalizing that we can’t resist clicking on it. That’s my  quandary every weekend when I write #ThePhilFactor. I think to myself, What’s a title catchy enough that people will click on it?  The one I finally settled on today was my fifth idea. I’m not out to ruin your life, I just want three or four minutes of your time and a comment or like so that my ego remains intact for another day. As far as click bait goes, my blog is incredibly benign.

Not all click bait is benign. Most is designed to suck you into to clicking so that you can be shown pop-up ads that leave cookies on your computer so they can show you pop-up ads no matter what web page you’re on. Cookies that will show you targeted ads. Normally I love cookies. Nutter Butters are my favorite. Wouldn’t it be great if they could plant real cookies in your computer when you click on an ad? If I click on “Ten Earth Shattering Reasons Why The Kardashians Want To Date You”  and a Nutter Butter cookie pops out of my CD drive you bet I’d be hooked! When I’m elected President, or Sexiest Man Alive, I’m going to pass a law mandating that that’s how click bait should work. With the new 3-D printers, there’s no reason I can’t get a cookie every time I click on an ad.


Sadly that’s not the kind of cookie you get when you click click bait. You see an article that says “The Twenty Most Attractive People of All Time”. You’re curious, you click it to see if I made the list. First page there’s a picture of Taylor Swift. (By the way, the other day Justin Bieber covered a Taylor Swift tune in concert and she is pissed about it. Read more here.) Underneath the first picture is an arrow that says See More —> and you have to click it to see number two. And that goes on and on for an hour until you get through, all the while clicking off the pop up ads that promise to help you look 20 years younger. If I’m 25, I’m pretty sure I’d have no interest in looking 20 years younger. That’s just creepy. Then when you get to  the interminable end of your list of the twenty most attractive people of all time (spoiler alert, I’m no. 8) you see a caption and picture that says Do This Exercise 5 Minutes A Day and You’ll …live forever, look younger, attract others, lose weight etc. And you figure, “I can exercise 5 minutes a day” so…


We all have our favorite click bait. There’s just some topics or titles we would love to be true and can’t resist. Some of us love celebrity news, others like time savers, I like fitness stuff, some fall for lists. In the comments, tell me what is your irresistible click bait, besides The Phil Factor. Also, if you want to be an ironic hipster and make The Phil Factor click bait just hit the Facebook or Twitter share buttons below. Have a great Saturday! ~Phil

Pokemon Go? Nerdvana!

Last week suddenly there were groups of people with backpacks and cell phones wandering the streets. Sounds like a typical day, except these back pack wearing, cell phone staring nerds were gathering in groups and pointing at things. In the past I’d refer to those groups as “nerd herds,” but this time those groups began to change. As these occurrences became more and more frequent, regular people started to notice and began doing the same thing. And then I became one of them.

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Yes, that picture above was me earlier this week. I had about 15 free minutes during work, so on a city street I found myself  tracking Pokemon. I’m sure by now that you’ve heard of Pokemon Go! It’s an app based game where you track and capture imaginary creatures in real life places. The game uses your phones GPS settings to locate you on a cartoon map, well, not you, but your avatar, and it shows you walking around your neighborhood or town as you track the Pokemon. When you get close enough to one, the game will access your camera and on your phone’s screen you see the real life scene in front of you, as if you were taking a picture, but in that scene is a moving cartoon Pokemon character for you to capture.


I think the game is great, especially for the nerd herds. People who might otherwise be at home in their mom’s basement insulting strangers on the internet and living life as a Warcraft character are now out in the real world getting exercise and meeting other people. Who knows how many marriages will result from this!

But Pokemon Go! isn’t just all fun and games. Several people have been injured and killed so far as a result of their own inattentiveness while playing. Earlier in the week a Massachusetts man caused a major highway accident stopping his car to catch a Pikachu. In California two men fell down a cliff. They were injured but not killed, although they did need to be rescued by emergency services.  In a town not too far from me a driver crashed their car into a tree because they were playing while driving. As my friend Dave said the other day, “don’t get in the way of natural selection.”


Something has to be done. Yes, natural selection and the loss of people stupid enough to play while driving is appropriate. We certainly don’t want people that stupid to reproduce. But…we can’t have those people accidentally taking out the good nerds in the process. We need the good nerds. Like it or not, our world doesn’t run without them. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but nerd culture is our culture now. We’re learning their language to navigate the increasingly technological world. We’re playing their games on our phones and we’re watching their TV shows and movies, ie Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, all the popular superhero movies. All of those are things that twenty years ago the average person would have mocked as nerdy or geeky. We are all geek chic now. It’s their world and we’re just living in it.

So, as I said, if the designers could implement some kind of safety features in the game that would save the idiots from themselves and from injuring others, I’m all in. I will happily step into that virtual world, (outside of work time and when I’m not driving of course).

Have a great weekend and may you find a Scyther or Venusaur in your travels. Just look where you’re going please! ~Phil


The Google Self-Driving Car is Going to Be a Big ‘Hit’

Google is widely considered one of the most innovative and forward-thinking companies in the world. With projects like the Google Glass glasses, Google Glucose Sensing Contact Lenses, Google dogs, (yes, Google dogs. Click the link and check it out, it’s pretty cool) , nap pods in the Google offices and the Google Self-Driving Car, the company always seems to be looking out for us with an eye to the future.


I love their work. I love the creative innovation. I want to work for them like Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson did in The Internship. (It’s a very funny movie. You should watch it.) Do you think that Google needs someone to write a humorous blog about their products? I do. What a great way to connect with consumers! People always remember things that make them laugh. Google, you know where to find me.


So it’s pretty clear that I love all things Google, except one…

When we think of the Google Self-Driving Car we imagine just punching in an address and kicking back while the car takes us to our destination. What could be better than that? We can text, watch TV, or even nap, right? One concern about this futuristic wonder of modern technology is accidents. Google has of course added loads of sensors that will help the car to brake and maneuver to avoid accidents and pedestrians. No system is foolproof however, so this past week Google patented one more thing to add to it’s arsenal of safety features.

Think of the ‘what if’ situation of a self-driving car hitting a pedestrian. If one of us driving our car hit a pedestrian we’d hit the brakes of course. But when that happens the pedestrian sustains two impacts; one when the car hits him and another when he hits the ground. In an effort to avoid the second impact of the pedestrian hitting the ground, Google obtained a patent for what amounts to super strong flypaper for the hood of their cars.


Yes, the car hits the pedestrian and the struck pedestrian sticks to the hood of the car. Second impact avoided with the ground=less pedestrian injuries. Sounds crazy, but great, right?

Does anyone else see a potential problem with this? What happens if you set your destination for a cross country trip and you fall asleep or lapse into a diabetic coma on the way? You’d show up at your final destination with a car covered in drifters. People, maybe still alive, just stuck to the hood for hours or days!

As a guy however, what a great way to pick up chicks, literally! Instead of Tinder you can use Fender! (Phil Factor patent pending) No need to swipe right, just turn right!

For the police, they’d never have to get out of their car. They’d only have to run down the perps instead of shooting them all the time like they do now.

Ironically Google’s cloud storage is called the Google Drive, and after Google reads this, I’m pretty sure all the files in my Google Drive will mysteriously disappear and my SEO rank will fall behind that magician from L.A.. Don’t worry Google, I still love you and I’ll be the first in line for the Self-Driving Car. Then again, do I have to wait in line to get one or should I just wait for one to come along and hit me?

If you enjoyed today’s Phil Factor please share by hitting the Facebook, Twitter, re-blog, or Google Plus buttons below. Yes, I do have a Google Plus. Don’t you?

Have a great Saturday! ~Phil